Thursday 4 July 2019

A View From On High

When is it going to stop raining?! It’s been a long, wet couple of weeks in Japan with frequent weather warnings and some unfortunate folks in the southern prefectures being evacuated. Osaka has not been as badly hit as some but the bad weather has delayed the frame going up by about a week. We’re pretty used to delays by now but it is still frustrating to pull back the curtains in the morning and see that, once again, rain stops play.

There has actually been some progress on site although the weather has meant that we haven’t been over there for about 10 days. We’re both itching to go and take a look for ourselves but, for now at least, we have to make do with some photos from the builders. As you will see below, the scaffolding is now pretty much up and we are ready to get started! The outline of the wood deck has also been put in place.

We have also had our first glimpse of the view we will have from the upstairs floor balcony. I’ve scoured the pictures to try and get an idea of the height from which the picture was taken and it looks to be at about the balcony level, although I may be wrong. Nevertheless, it’s a pretty cool view, despite the bad weather.

In other news, we decided to forego the expensive (and to us, pretty meaningless) ceremony to bless the land and the frame and all that stuff. I hope the Japanese gods decide to take pity on us in light of our overall patience and unbridled positivity towards the project. I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunities for us to throw some rice and sake around at a later date. We will however be meeting our carpenters in a couple of weeks which should be a nice experience. So far, we’ve spent a lot of time with the architects and people coordinating the design but not much with the people actually building the house. They probably think we’re a bit crazy so it will be nice for them to see that for themselves.

Thanks again to the new followers. We’ve actually just passed 10,000 views which is pretty insane for a random couple building a house in a sleepy suburb in Japan. More updates to follow in due course.

osaka city view scaffolding
The view to the west. Excuse the lousy weather!

osaka house layout scaffolding
Our house from the scaffolding. You can see the outline of the wood deck on the LHS

osaka house scaffolding
From the road

osaka house scaffolding
From the road 2

osaka house scaffolding garden
Next door's garden is looking nice. Inspiring!

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